Major Donor Recognition

  • The Rotary Foundation recognises as Major Donors, individuals or couples whose combined personal or outright cumulative contributions have reached US$10,000, regardless of gift designation.
     Further details
Chair: PDG Julie Mason (Wyndham)

Endowment Fund Programs

Donors can choose structured gifts to be made after their lifetimes, and take advantage of financial and tax benefits. The principal of a gift to the Endowment Fund is never spent, so a portion of the earnings will always be available for Foundation programs.
This program is to:
  • Inform Rotarians of planned giving opportunities.
  • Work with club presidents to recognise current Benefactors and Bequest Society members.
  • Coordinate the identification of and reaching out to potential donors in support of the Endowment.
  • Nurture relationships with Benefactors and Bequest Society members.
           Further details
           Chair: PDG Ian Knight OAM (Werribee)