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Here are some useful resources. Some are about educating ourselves, others are organisations that can increase our awareness or exposure to the issues and challenges of achieving a truly equitable, diverse and inclusive organisation and community.

Cultural competence education

Cultural Competence Program; SBS. 

Provided as an app for mobile or tablet, the CCP explores topics including cross-cultural communication, addressing stereotypes, unconscious bias, diversity and the benefits of multiculturalism in the workplace. There are over 60 animations and films, including real people telling real stories. Also included are fun, interactive activities, plus options for further reading. Find it at here


National Centre for Cultural Competence; University of Sydney. 

Cultural competence articles, book chapters and online toolsFind it here

Intersex for Allies; Intersex Human Rights Australia. 

Clear explanation of what is meant by intersex, with informative video by people with lived experience. Find it here

Cultural Atlas; SBS. 

Interactive atlas with comprehensive cultural information. Find it here

The Art of Inclusion Series 1; Diversity Council of Australia. 

Podcast where we peer into the lives of fascinating people, whose stories shed light on the wider social issues facing Australia, and the world. We flip the script on who we include, who we don’t, and how we can do better in everything from gender, race, mental health and disability, through to the inclusion of LGBTQI+ and Indigenous communities.Find it here. Series 2 to be released in October 2019.

Trans 101: Being Trans, Gender Identity, and What’s It All About; Gender and Minus18. 

Trans 101 is a starter pack designed to help support trans people around you.
It's all about helping people better understand what it means to be trans, and how to make the world and better, safer, happier place for trans and gender diverse people. Find it here


LGBTIQ Inclusive Language Guide; Victorian Public Service. 

This guide explains how to use language respectfully and inclusively when working with and referring to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, and queer and questioning people. It's for Victorian public sector employees.Find it here

Language and Terminology; Pride in Sport. 

Concise definitions divided into areas of Body, Gender and Gender Identities; Sexual Orientations; Societal Attitudes/Issues. Find it here:

Further reading: books and articles

Is everyone really equal? : an introduction to key concepts in social justice education, O Sensoy, R DiAngelo. 

2nd edition, New York, NY : Teachers College Press, 2017

Why diversity, equity and inclusion matter. 

Monisha Kapila, Ericka Hines, and Martha Searby; ProInspire. October 6 2016. Find it here


Diversity Council of Australia. 

Diversity Council Australia is the independent not-for-profit peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Offers knowledge programs, membership, research, podcasts, and events. Find it here

Australian Human Rights Commission. 

Find it here

Non Profit Leadership Alliance. 

Find it here

Vicsport Inclusion. 

Vicsport has resources for underrepresented groups in the sporting world: Women and girls, Aboriginal People, People with disabilities, People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and People from the LGBTQI+ community. Find it here:

Implicit Bias

Project Implicit; Harvard University. 

An online assessment tool developed to explore unconscious bias. Find it here

6 Ways to Overcome Your Biases for Good. 

Alice Boyes. Psychology Today. August 20, 2015


Let’s talk race: a guide on how to conduct a conversation about racism. 

Australian Human Rights Commission, 2019. Find it here