By Rowan McClean, D9800 Chair Club Service

In reality Rotary clubs like most organisations are never ‘there yet’, as we live and operate in a constantly changing environment.  Perhaps the better questions to consider are: “how does our current performance rate in terms of achieving our strategic goals,” and, “how do we develop those strategic goals in the first place?”

The development of meaningful and achievable goals almost always arises from a comprehensive planning process that provides the opportunity for input from all members. 

Whilst most clubs have their share of outgoing ‘can do’ people, every member has something to offer and all members should be encouraged to provide input into developing the club’s strategic goals. By harnessing the diversity of skills and expertise that lies within clubs, the best outcome will be achieved.

For those clubs considering undergoing a thorough planning process an ideal starting point is a visioning session. Club Visioning, which should involve as many club members as possible, is a process in which ideas are shared to create a vision that outlines the current and future objectives of the club. This in turn provides the basis for the development of a strategic plan that will help the club make decisions aligned to its philosophy and objectives as stated in its vision. It can be said therefore that visioning creates the guide for the direction of the club (i.e. the ‘why’, purpose or objectives of the club), which is then encapsulated in the club’s strategic and annual plans (i.e. the ‘how’ or goals to be met that enable the vision to be achieved). 

It is generally agreed that clubs should undergo a planning process including a visioning session at least once every five years. It’s also a good idea to conduct an annual mini review to address the question: “how does our current performance rate in terms of achieving our strategic goals?” These processes will ensure that the strategic plan remains relevant over time and that annual plans are on track to achieve the strategic goals therein, and ultimately the club’s vision.  

District 9800 has a well-developed Club Visioning program run by very experienced and capable Rotarians. Club leaders are encouraged to use Club Visioning as and when they are considering a strategic planning process. For more information on the program, contact: 

Past District Governor Murray Verson on: