Posted on Nov 05, 2022

 One of our District’s best success stories, For-A-Meal has provided well over 500,000 emergency relief meals for free to for those impacted by natural disasters.  It was only natural that we hold a special volunteer with the DG day to support their mission. 

Rotarians and friends from across the District spent 2 hours at DIK packing meals. Once again, volunteers from outside of Rotary joined us and I’m pleased to report will soon join Rotary as members off the back of the monthly hands-on volunteering experiences. It was extra special to welcome PDG Julie Mason’s grandson who was the first to jump in and get started and kept us all motivated.

Thank-you to Rotary Canterbury, the For-A-Meal team and District Service Director Lili Tiechman for yet another wonderful hands-on volunteering day. This is what it’s all about!