We are now beginning to move into the ‘Change’ stages of the Regionalisation Pilot that will see us ready for a revised approach to be implemented from 1 July.
Our Governor team is working with the Steering Group to ensure a smooth transition for all clubs and to assist everyone in understanding what this change will mean. 
The important steps before 1 July are as follows:
  • Appointment of the Regional Council – this has been completed with a couple of vacancies still in the process of being filled. The Regional Council begins its official role from 1 July.
  • Formation of the new ‘Communities’ structure. This has been undertaken by our DGEN team. The outline of this is attached for your reference. The Community replaces the current Cluster approach.
  • Initial meetings of each of the new Rotary Community Groups (RCG). This will be organised to occur during March with the intention of setting out desired priorities and approaches to how the Community clubs wish to work together.
  • Appointment of a Rotary Community Leader (RCL) for each Community. This process will be undertaken during March/April. The Rotary Community Leader (RCL) will replace the current Assistant Governor with a focus on supporting the needs and direction of the Rotary Community Groups (RCG).
Regular updates on the Regionalisation Pilot are being sent to each member with more general advice periodically going to club leaders.
If you desire to learn more about the Regionalisation Pilot, broad details are available at: creatingtomorrowrotary.org